Thursday, 21 April 2011

SailRacer News

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SailRacer Newsletter

21st Apr 2011

With the UK basking in a heatwave, the sailing season is now well under way and online entries are flooding into SailRacer.

2011 RYA Volvo Youth Championships
Last week SailRacer was at Hayling supporting the RYA at the Youths. This saw a bumper entry enjoying a full programme of racing. The SailRacer event website included a number of key features such as big screens in the club, a blog that aggregated multiple twitter feeds from the race course, text messages and shore based inputs. The SailRacer event site also allows you to search on a sailor to find their results, news, blogs and any photos.

Sigma 38 Nationals
SailRacer is pleased to be supporting this ever popular cruiser/racer class and online entry for their forthcoming Nationals at Weymouth. The Sigmas join a growing band of yacht classes using SailRacer for their events. In addition to allowing competitors to enter online, team members can also order and pay for social events and packed lunches.

Wot-tac -
new race course gadget to help you win.
Wot-tac is the revolutionary race course calculating device. Wot-tac will help sailors to be first over the finishing line, whether in a dinghy, keelboat or cruiser.

Topper Worlds – enter now
Ireland is hosting the 2011 Topper World Championships at Dun Laoghaire, online entry now open at SailRacer.

Contender Worlds and Nationals
The Contenders are coming to Weymouth, enter now for both events at SailRacer.

Rope Shop
Looking for sheets cut to the right length for your class of boat at great prices - then visit the Sailracer Rope Shop. Tapered sheets are also available for those special applications.

Skandia Sail for Gold - Weymouth
Entries are flooding in for the penultimate event in the ISAF 2011 World Cup, and in the final year before the 2012 Olympic Games, all attention will be focussing on Weymouth. Enter now at SailRacer. More...

2011 European Championships for Olympic Classes
Taking place in Helsinki, Finland starting on 30th June 2011 bringing together the 470, Laser, Finn, Star, 49er and Women's Match Racing events. SailRacer is providing all elements of the event website. It is set to be a
fantastic event with all the classes racing from the same venue and a perfect medal race arena right next to the shore. The Organizing Committee have great plans for spectators not just to watch the racing, but deliver a real “event experience”, including event village and hospitality. Virtual spectators visiting the website will enjoy live tracking, TV feeds, commentary, blogs and dynamic results system. More...

Sailing Accommodation
Competing in an open meeting or class championship often means an overnight stay; the SailRacer Accommodation Directory maps over 15,000 options close to sailing clubs. Our extensive directory provides something for all tastes and budgets, with camping, B&Bs, self catering and hotels all covered. Many with links to give you a discount and valuable savings, all without having to trawl many different websites. More...

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